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Marriage and Family

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customs of philippines

Most people marry before they are 30 years old. The groom and his family pay for the wedding ceremony and reception. The bride often does not see her bridal gown until the day she is married. Grooms often wear a barong, an embroidered shirt that hangs over the trousers, made of pineapple fiber. At the reception, during the newlyweds’ first dance, relatives may take turns clipping money to the groom’s shirt or the bride’s gown. Some couples live together instead of or before having a formal wedding.

Loyalty to the extended family is fundamental, as is the concept of mutual support and self-sacrifice when the family or a member of it needs help. The close-knit network of relationships even extends to honorary kinships, usually referred to as kumpadrehan or godparenthood. Particular respect is shown to more senior members of the family. Traditionally, the nuclear family has been large, often with four or more children, but today, particularly in urban areas, people are having fewer children. Many Filipinos work overseas to earn money for the extended family at home.

Source: Encarta


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